
emsTradepoint Limited Management Responds to Transpower New Zealand Limited Announcement

emsTradepoint Limited Management Responds to Transpower

emsTradepoint Christmas 2023 office hours

Christmas 2023 Period Settlement

The International REC Standard Foundation becomes the International Tracking Standard Foundation

I-REC becomes International Tracking Standard Foundation

New Zealand I-REC(E) Facility Onboarding Pack

New Zealand I-REC(E) Facility Onboarding Pack

Market Wrap 27-11-2023

emsTradepoint Market Wrap

I-REC(HX) for Hydrogen and Hydrogen Derivatives announced

I-REC(HX) for Hydrogen and Hydrogen Derivatives Product Code

I-REC NZ Fee Structure confirmed - November 2023

I-REC NZ Fee Structure confirmed

EMS accredited to issue International Renewable Energy Certificates

19 October 2023, EMS New Zealand's I-REC(E) Issuer

Shortening Carbon Settlement Timeframe

shortening the settlement timeframe for carbon

emsTradepoint Extending Carbon Market Hours

Carbon market hours extension

Small Trading Participant: A Case Study

A small industrial business needed to meet their obligations

emsTradepoint Ltd launches forward product for carbon

Listing Carbon Forwards

emsTradepoint welcomes first carbon trade on its platform

Trading NZUs has commenced!

Tight supply in the New Zealand gas market: Our outlook on price and volume for 2021

Growing uncertainty, falling supply and increasing prices.

NZ ETS Auction Process Announcement

MfE announces details on NZ ETS changes

Firstgas Market Based Tender - Results

Firstgas Market-Based Tender - Results

First Gas Market Based Tender

Tender for procurement of operational gas for 20/21

Changes to Carbon Settlement

The settlement timeframe is extending

How has Covid-19 affected our emsTradepoint gas market?

How does it compare against electricity demand?

Time-Swaps For Gas Are Back

A set of time-swaps for gas were traded last Friday.

Government moves the Fixed Price Option for NZUs to $35

Changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme - 9 June 2020

Media Release - Carbon Product Launch

emsTradepoint Ltd launches carbon listing - 17 March 2020

Example Market Wrap - 10 February 2020

Check out the Market Wrap from February 2020.

October gas trading hits record high

Gas trading on emsTradepoints platform hit record highs.

JUL-19 Trading Volumes

Gas trading on emsTradepoint jumped sharply last month.