NZ Carbon Units

Last trade best bid best offer volume
63.00 $/NZU
62.50 63.00 454,636
Sweep Qty $/NZU
1,000 1,000  NP 62.50
1,500 500 62.50
$/NZU Qty Sweep
63.00 1,550  NP 1,550
64.00 100 1,650
70.00 100 1,750
80.00 5,000  NP 6,750
80.00 900 7,650


NZ Carbon Units - 1k MIN

Last trade best bid best offer volume
$/NZU - - -


NZ Carbon Units – Forwards

Date Last trade best bid best offer
Dec 2024 - - -


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Christmas 2023 Period Settlement

The International REC Standard Foundation becomes the International Tracking Standard Foundation

I-REC becomes International Tracking Standard Foundation

Enable your energy future through spot and forward trading

Balance energy and emissions portfolios by taking advantage of spot market trading alongside traditional trading agreements.

We are committed to lowering entry barriers. Our focus on open and transparent market access enables users to trade with confidence. We act as the central counterparty, providing full anonymity and transactional certainty.

Balance energy and emissions portfolios by taking advantage of spot market trading alongside traditional trading agreements.

Our market is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

emsTradepoint is the smart way to trade New Zealand carbon units and natural gas.

Carbon Icon


In a transitional energy environment, we enable transparency in the carbon trading market by providing access to live and historic data. Our marketplace is open to participants throughout the emissions trading supply chain and there is no limit to the size of your trading parcel.

Gas Icon

Natural Gas

We list physical natural gas contracts for delivery at the Trading Region South Hub on the Maui pipeline. You can trade gas on the day or for forward delivery at the hub that is at the center of the New Zealand gas transmission network.

About us

emsTradepoint is a commodity trading exchange that provides anonymity, transparent pricing and transactional certainty.

  • 2013 - Created in 2013, emsTradepoint established a spot market for trading natural gas in New Zealand. This proven trading platform has become a trusted alternative to natural gas bilateral agreements between buyers and sellers.
  • 2015 - In 2015 emsTradepoint Limited was made a wholly-owned subsidiary of Transpower New Zealand Limited. Effective governance is central to our operation as an independent, reliable and efficient exchange.
  • 2020 - The NZU carbon product is the most recent addition to the exchange, launching in March 2020.