Effective governance is central to our operation as a reliable and efficient exchange. We work proactively to maintain market compliance and to capture and represent the views of our participants.

Market Compliance Committee

Our Market Compliance Committee supports ems Tradepoint in monitoring and fostering compliance with the emsTradepoint Market Rules. For natural gas, effective governance is also required for compliance with the associated pipeline operating codes.

To protect a sustainable market, our participants must act in accordance with the Market Rules, which includes complying with Transmission Codes and ETS requirements.

The Market Compliance Committee investigates, analyses and enforces:

  • participant compliance with the Market Rules, including settlement;
  • participant market conduct; and
  • other compliance-related matters.

Operational Working Group

Our Operational Working Group is made up of representatives from across the gas and carbon markets. The group provides advice on our service, and relevant rules and regulation changes.


emsTradepoint is committed to serving as an advocate for the interests of a better market by facilitating trade and price transparency for the benefit of all participants.

So that we can best present our views on existing and proposed rules and regulations, emsTradepoint consults together with the industry to determine positions on public policy, legislation and strategies.