Force Majeure Consultation - March 2021

In March emsTradepoint undertook a consultation with market participants to evaluate options for making Participant Force Majeure(FM) available intra-day (OTD) on the exchange. The current FM arrangements are set out in the Force Majeure Guide 2020.

A total of 7 questions were posed in the consultation covering whether FM on the emsTradepoint exchange should align more closely with FM arrangements in traditional bilateral trading agreements. The paper explored options around how OTD FM could be implemented from an operational point of view. This included timing of an event, alignment with ID cycles, deemed flow and validity of FM events.

All responses were received by Friday 9 April 2021. We received 6 written response from Participants, and we conducted one phone call response.

The written responses are included below:

We have reviewed the responses. The summary of the responses and proposed next steps can be found below:

Market Rules Update - June 2021

The emsTradepoint Market Rules Product Supplement - Gas has been amended for Same Day Event Force Majeure (SDE FM). This amendment to the Market Rules is open for comment by Participants for 20 Business Days as per Clause 20.3(b) of the Core Market Rules.

Please provide any comments on the amended rules by Thursday 1 July 2021. If there are no further changes required the Effective Date for the Market Rules Product Supplement - Gas - Version 8.1 will be notified on 1 July 2021.

The emsTradepoint exchange software is currently under development to cater for SDE FM.

A process document will be written and published when SDE FM becomes effective.

*Note - Clause 13 regarding the GTAC Transition has been deleted as part of this Market Rules update.

Please contact us with any comments.